The One Place For Every Place Life Takes You

After several years of successfully showcasing the extra mile Enterprise employees go to help vehicle renters, Cannonball was charged with finding a meaningful way to highlight the company’s various lines of business. With the help of some celebrity spokespeople, we showcased all the ways Enterprise will pick you up.
One Giant Roll Out
We kicked things off by rolling out our creative in style with TV’s Joel McHale. This campaign aired every night of the Olympics to a national audience.
A Campaign With All The
(Kristen) Bells And Whistles
Hollywood’s Kristen Bell gave viewers a peek into what Enterprise is offering now… and in the future.
Raising The Bar. And The Cup.
As an official partner of the NHL, we called on Hall of Fame goalie Martin Brodeur to further tell the “Rent. Buy. Share” story.
Driving Home The Message
The campaigns have blown away Millward Brown Concept Testing norms in “breakthrough” and “saliency” scores, and led to an unaided awareness score of 66% – exceeding Hertz for the first time in its history.
The 2019 NHL Sponsor Breakthrough study ranked Enterprise in the top 2 of all sponsors in ad effectiveness.