Glee Needed
a Fresh Look

A successful package redesign grew into a full brand refresh, with Cannonball delivering brand-new video content along with an updated web experience, digital, social and retail displays.

Social Content with Stopping Power
Cannonball utilized a stop motion technique to create videos with enough charm to slow the social media scroll – and help Glee stand out in a crowded category.
We also simplified Glee’s palette and created a vibrant aesthetic that featured saturated greens, clean whites and shades of purple.
To maximize our limited budget, we used CG animation to show flowers blooming, pots moving and plants growing in fun and engaging ways. With more time to spend on the new footage, Cannonball created enough video content for Glee’s social channels to use for an entire year.

Proof in the Potting Mix
Initially, product messaging focused on magical results and its lightweight, easy to carry bag. But our research showed that consumers were more interested in what was in the bag – namely, how Glee could deliver on its promise of healthier plants and bigger blooms. Based on this insight, and the brand’s interest in targeting younger, millennial-age gardeners, Cannonball put Glee’s patented HydraFiber technology front and center.