Dangerously Delicious

To create a brand that looks, sounds and tastes like nothing else in the market (or the galaxy), bolder is better. Cannonball introduced Outlaw Snax as a brand that wasn’t afraid to break the mold, challenge old conventions and even get into a little danger – all in the name of irresistible spicy flavor.

Meet The Outlaws
Cannonball developed five original characters whose origin stories and interconnected pasts create the larger Outlaw Snax universe. Each character became the face of a flavor, lending their larger-than-life personalities to the snack’s packaging, signage and more. Meet Spicyosa, Kid Dynamo, The Sweet Heat Sisters and Hangry.

The Adventure Continues
We’re looking forward to upcoming partnerships with a number of celebrities, influencers and major league sports teams who will help us take the brand’s grassroots fandom to a whole new level.